SOSİAD 9.Olağan Genel Kurul Toplantısı Yapıldı
SOSİAD 9.Olağan Genel Kurul Toplantısı, 19 Ocak 2022 tarihinde CVK Park Bosphorus Oteli’nde yapıldı. Toplantı, A.Metin Duruk başkanlığında, Yüksel Turgut ve Vahe Dağdevirenel’in görev aldığı Divan Kurulunun seçimi ile başladı.
Başta ülkemizin kurucusu Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ve silah arkadaşları, şehitlerimiz, aramızdan ayrılan sektörümüze katkı sağlayan büyüklerimiz, dostlarımız için İstiklal Marşı eşliğinde 1 dakikalık saygı duruşunda bulunuldu. Metin Duruk 13 yıl önce dünyada ve ülkemizde barışı, halklar arasındaki barışı savunan Hırant Dink’i ölüm yıldönümünde andı. Ardından söz alan 8.Dönem SOSİAD Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Turgay Karakuş, dünya ve sektör gündeminin ilk sırasında iklim krizinin olduğunun altını çizerek, ikinci önemli sorunun ise eğitim sistemindeki yetersizlikler neticesinde kalifiye eleman bulmak olduğunu söyledi.
Association Manager Kemal Öz, in his speech summarizing the activities of the Board of Directors for the 2020-2021 Term, included the following topics: “As targeted, ten new members joined our association in this process. The purchase and furnishing of the new head office of our association in Mecidiyeköy has been completed, and we started to serve at this address as of August 23, 2021. We organized a joint seminar with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change at the ISK SODEX Fair, and participated in the meetings, trainings, workshops and panels organized by our Ministry. Studies on the legislation sent by the Ministry were carried out by our UMTAG Commission, and we presented our association’s opinion together with the opinions of our members. Within the scope of the protocol signed with the Ministry of National Education Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, our efforts to establish a SOSIAD Laboratory at Pendik Borsa Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School have reached the final stage. We continue to contribute to the studies of AREA (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association), of which we are a member, and to attend the General Assembly Meetings. We are actively involved in working groups and projects within the TOBB Air Conditioning Council. We took our place at ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry) 15th Industry Congress. With the participation of ISIB (Air Conditioning Industry Exporters’ Association) and our Association’s representatives, ISIB’s “Application of RCA Model to Turkish Refrigeration Industry and Target Country Recommendations” presentation was held with an online meeting on 21 July 2020. We are also actively involved in platforms and projects within ISKAV. We continue to support ESSİAD’s EHİS Accredited Test Analysis Laboratory Project. We regularly attend the meetings of the Istanbul Industry Platform, which was established under the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. We continue to take part in the committees of the ISK SODEX Fair. By being among the organizations supporting the FOTEG Fair, we provided our members with the opportunity to participate at special prices. With our e-bulletins, website and social media accounts, we have ensured that our activities are effectively announced in the sector.”
Education Commission President Turgay Karakuş said the following about the commission’s work: “Our Commission, which held 17 meetings during this period; Within the scope of the social responsibility project carried out to increase the quality of education in vocational high schools in the field of industrial refrigeration, to train more qualified personnel, to increase the choice of departments and to create job opportunities for graduates, on September 16, 2021, me and Dr. Kadir ISA at Pendik Borsa Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. We organized an introductory seminar with his participation. In this school, the training laboratory of the Plumbing Technology and Air Conditioning Area Cooling Systems branch, which was built with the donations and contributions of our members and is about to be completed, will be named SOSİAD Industrial Cooling Laboratory. Our branch at this school is now the first choice of students. We continue to support our REAL Alternatives 4 Life project and the ISMEK Air Conditioning Sector Specialization School project.
Basın Yayın, Tanıtım, Sosyal Faaliyetler ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Komisyonu çalışmalarını özetleyen Komisyon Başkanı Ayhan Kılıç, şu bilgileri verdi: “Komisyonumuz bu dönemde çevrimiçi 31 toplantı gerçekleştirdi. Dünyada ilk kez 2019 yılında kutlanmaya başlanan 26 Haziran Dünya Soğutma Günü, her yıl SOSİAD tarafından düzenlenen etkinliklerle ülkemizde de kutlanmaktadır. 2020 yılı teması olan ‘Yaşam için Soğuk Zincir’ ve 2021 yılı teması olan ‘Soğutmanın Şampiyonları: Daha İyi Bir Dünya için Saygın Kariyer’ başlıkları ile düzenlenen çevrimiçi seminerler, çok sayıda STK temsilcisi, uzman, akademisyen ve sektör profesyonelini bir araya getirdi. 21 Ekim 2020 tarihinde ise yine çok büyük ilgi gören ‘Soğuk Depolarda Yangın Önlemleri’ seminerimizi, yine çevrimiçi gerçekleştirdik. HMSF tarafından düzenlenen ‘Yaşam için Soğutma’ çevrimiçi konferansına çok sayıda konuşmacı ile katıldık. Geleneksel tavla turnuvamız, 13 Ekim 2021 tarihinde gerçekleşti. Bu dönemde 11 e-bülten ve çok sayıda sosyal medya postu yayınlayarak etkin bir tanıtım ve bilgilendirme faaliyeti gerçekleştirildi.”
Summarizing the works of the Press, Publication, Social Activities and International Relations Commission, the Chairman of the Commission, Ayhan Kılıç, gave the following information: “Our commission held 31 online meetings during this period. 26 June World Refrigeration Day, which started to be celebrated for the first time in the world in 2019, is also celebrated in our country with events organized by SOSİAD every year. The online seminars organized under the titles of ‘Cold Chain for Life’, the theme of 2020, and ‘Champions of Cooling: Reputable Careers for a Better World’, brought together many NGO representatives, experts, academics and industry professionals. On October 21, 2020, we held our “Fire Precautions in Cold Stores” seminar, which again attracted great attention, online again. We attended the ‘Cooling for Life’ online conference organized by HMSF with many speakers. Our traditional backgammon tournament took place on October 13, 2021. In this period, an effective promotion and information activity was carried out by publishing 11 e-bulletins and many social media posts.”
The General Assembly concluded with the cocktail program, in which a plaque of appreciation was presented to Turgay Karakuş, 8th Term SOSİAD Chairman of the Board.In its first meeting on January 21, 2022, the Board of Directors decided that the distribution of tasks should be as follows and that the Climate Change Commission should be established in addition to the existing commissions in order to carry out the activities of the association more effectively.